(2) Systematic Taxonomy
The evolutionary algorithm is a theory of limitless and constant change.. long periods of 'stasis' are cited for such creatures as crocodiles simply because their fossils cover a theoretical 200 million years.. However other fossil deposits demand very 'rapid' evolutionary change. The problem is the science is vague and accords more with convenient storytelling.
Human beings are described as having opted out of evolution.. But it was not so long ago black indigenous native people were considered less than human, primitive savages in evolutionary terms. Certainly Charles Darwin expressed this opinion and thought they would eventually die out.
The question is how does a system of continuous change produce a living kingdom which conforms to an enduring classification system of distinct types with identifiable groupings. The original idea actually came from the bible.. by a creationist (like all theists of his day) and it is still with us! Carl Linnaeus was the first to create the binomial naming system of
classification.. its changed but his classification of large
animals remains essentially unchanged.
Species is an inadequate term to talk about immutability but at the higher family level it accords rather well with the bible's use of the word 'kind'. Creatures reproduce after their kind and the flesh of one kind is different to the flesh of another kind.. accords well with observation and the Law of Biogenesis..
"Pasteur demonstrated that fermentation is caused by the growth of micro-organisms, and the emergent growth of bacteria in nutrient broths is due not to spontaneous generation, but rather to biogenesis (Omne vivum ex vivo "all life from life")." [from Wikipedia article Louis Pasteur]
must move on..
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