Sunday, August 4, 2013

Appendix 1.1 Entropy

I visited the London Science Museum a few years ago and saw they had an entire floor devoted to 'ENERGY', so I asked "Where's the floor devoted to 'ENTROPY'.. a sort of stunned silence followed by "What's entropy?".

Guess what.. There is a reason why nobody seems to know or care what 'entropy' is or means.. it is an embarrassment to the naturalists.. who control the agenda of modern science.

I need a new blog.. "What's Missing from Science".. later

ENTROPY.. according to the Cambridge Encyclopedia

"A quantitative measure of disorder" not bad.. but it would help if they defined 'disorder'.. Is it what you would naturally think of? Like 'a mess on the desk'.. well almost.

But there is a proviso.. Disorder in the thermodynamic context means not just jumbled up but uniformly jumbled up.. So the papers in neat piles by subject and in date order would correspond to the minimum entropy state for that system. Still in 'piles' but not in date order.. higher entropy.. all piled up on one side of the desk still higher entropy and evenly spread over the desk in random fashion would be the highest entropy state. Note both PHYSICAL and LOGICAL order affects the value of the absolute entropy of a system.

Because semantic information is always stored in physical matter (even an idea in your head is a circuit in physical neurons) it is also subject to the Law of Increasing Entropy.. or increasing disorder.

When energy finally ends up as heat, (or radiation), it spreads out evenly moving from higher concentration (hot) to lower concentration (cool).. driven by the most powerful axiom of probability.. a disordered state is a more probable state because there are far more of them than ordered states.

Think of a working motorcycle of 5000 parts.. How many ways could those parts be connected together.. and for how many would it still work?

next time

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