(3) Physical Assumption
The physical assumption inherent in the evolutionary algorithm is that you can naturally increase complexity because natural selection gets around the Second Law..
The tactic has been to avoid a clear definition of the word 'complexity'.. ignorance at work. (go on.. have a look for the definition)..
Ludwig Boltzmann, Willard Gibbs and Max Plank put a scale on the axis of complexity for any state of matter..
The Second Law requirement for any large system that the absolute entropy cannot naturally decrease means improbability cannot increase which means complexity cannot increase over time. Inconsistent with evolution but consistent with all observations, simulations and honest calculations.
Natural selection is just that, SELECTION of what has already been produced by random mutation and therefore cannot effect or provide any direction to those mutations.
The essence of my falsification is the application of the second law to the evolution of semantic information as encoded in DNA.. but it equally applies to the physical state.
Physical 'Design' is another word left without proper definition. We even have R Dawkins inventing 'designoid' (appearance of design with purpose but not purposeful).. without first defining 'design' upon which it is based!
Only a mind can conceive of a need for a function.. purpose is therefore implicit. If it has a purpose then by definition it is a design.. Like eyes, ears, muscles, feathers, bicycle chains, teapots and elephants..
Occam's Razor required..
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