The fact that entropy is a STATE variable (does not care about the process that got the system to where it is) does not mean the process can violate the Second Law..
Consider two pairs of dice.. first a pair of plastic dice on the kitchen table, second a pair of 1 metre square steel cubes at the bottom of a 10 metre high sand dune..
Now both exist.. so their physical form (low absolute entropy state of matter) has been accounted for by a larger increase in the entropy of the surroundings by their manufacturing processes and obeys Second Law..
Now throw both pairs 9972 times.. Their is a crane and dump truck at the bottom of the sand dune..
Counting the number of [3].[3].. We know it will be 277, average once every 36 times for both. But the absolute entropy for the LOGICAL state of [3].[3] is the SAME for both (actually zero because there is only one way to get it). However the heat energy and consequential entropy increase in the surroundings is massively bigger for one than the other..
This not only shows why the absolute entropy of a system must be independent of the process that got it there BUT also the absolute entropy of any LOGICAL state such as semantic information is independent of the mass of the system.. Demonstrating semantic information is a separate and distinctly different entity to mass or energy.. and cannot be a product of them..
more to come..
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