Tuesday, April 12, 2011

8.1 A Truth You Might Not Want to Know

Recall 7.4 above, a codon (triplet) of DNA has a logical improbability of 512 (ie there are 512 possible arrangements using the alphabet of DNA {A, T, C, G} and {L or R} handedness or chirality. Since DNA is semantic information each codon is also an ordered string meaning it is a macrostate with only one microstate (W=1). From my previous pages you should appreciate that the entropy cost of a single codon of DNA is the requirement for enough random events to give that specific sequence repeatedly when averaged over a very large number of events. The answer of course is 512, that's not the entropy change itself but the expenditure required to pay the entropy debt for that improbable state by pure random change.

Protein only accounts for about 5% of all the DNA and the rest is 'junk' according to evolutionists, except we now know the only junk was that assumption! As far as coding for amino acids to build protein goes there is a lot of redundancy built into the system ie more than one codon will give the same amino acid. Which is a smart way of reducing the genome's exposure to some random mutations. Since I am going to be concentrating on protein I must account for that redundancy so the improbability of a correct codon is less than 512. There are just 20 'L' form or left handed amino acids, all the rest of the combinations are redundant. Some amino acids have 6 codons which all give the same result and some only one. So the actual improbability (number of possibilities) of a codon (producing a specific amino acid) is on average (4^3)/(3.15 = avge redundancy) x 2^3 = 162 (its not exactly 160 because of the 3 non coding stop bits).

DNA is the vehicle of heritable traits so the analysis must be done at that level rather than the level of the protein itself to properly address the evolutionary algorithm. The charility or handedness of all DNA bases {R form} cannot be ignored, even though random mutations do not affect charility. The protein machinery of the cell which exclusively produces {R form} DNA bases is also a product of the evolutionary algorithm by that theory so the entropy cost of that aspect of the end state must be included in the total calculation.

So for myoglobin with 153 amino acids the improbability at the DNA codon level is 162^153 = 10^338 (written 1e338). The question is can the evolutionary process account for this?

I do hope you have a very nice day..

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