Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Oh dear I've used the 'G' word in the title.. Well this whole blog is about taking a holistic view of reality.. exclude nothing.. accept that the human brain is a quantum computer.. capable of engaging the whole of reality. Just take a scientific approach.

Truth.. why truth? Well asking questions and thinking critically are fairly obvious requirements for good science but telling the truth is surely axiomatic or given.. well not exaclty. Today 'scientific' reports may be:
  1. 'BOUGHT' by vested commercial interests.. eg oil & coal industry reports 'minimizing' the effects of CO2 emissions.. tobaco industry reports 'minimizing' cancer due to smoking etc.. 
  2. 'ORDERED' to serve a political agenda.. like NAZI anti-semitic and racially motivated propaganda..
  3. Just plain 'BIASED' to gain status or an edge over a rival in this very competitive field.
  4. Or 'FRAUDULENT'. There are a few spectacular cases.. The Piltdown scull, Hagel's embryo's etc.
Another reason to explicitly include 'tell the truth' is the move away from the use of the word itself, due to the connotations of 'absolutism' such as expressed by religious extremists. 'Absolute' truth implies knowing everything, which is impossible but the term itself gives us an essential boundary condition on the meaning of truth. The opposite boundary condition is of course pure 'belief' bereft of supporting 'facts' or 'observations'.

If we now allow a continuous scale from 'belief' through to 'absolute truth' one obvious variable is the number of supporting observations or 'facts' which goes from zero to everything. So the portion we call 'truth' rises, but what do we call the other part which falls representing 'belief'? My answer is FAITH! So we may write..

(where FACTS >> FAITH and FAITH > 0) 

(>> means very much greater than)
If FAITH = 0 then the truth becomes 'absolute'.. 
If FACTS = 0  the truth becomes  'belief'..
Note: It is more of a relationship and not intended to be quantitative.

Have a nice day..

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