Saturday, January 1, 2011


Its the new year and I must get moving on to deeper things! We are all aware of the passage of time.. the perception is entirely personal and different for each of us even in the same place. I mention this here because one sobering truth is, we are all running out of time. Our life is literally ebbing away and so we become somewhat morbidly if not glibly aware of our 'purpose'. What am I supposed to achieve in the time period given to me personally if anything? Well if I might be so bold suggest, whatever you feel that 'something' may be you will want it to be based on something which is true not something which is false. Only the deceived and deluded by default end up settling for less.

According to the modern 'reductionists' like Richard Dawkins who claim they can explain all there is to know about big things from analysis of their small parts, energy and matter are the only observable fundamental entities in the universe. They are ignorant of some basic truths. Ignorant because they choose to ignore the published work of the mathematician Kurt Godell (1931), who essentially proved "the whole is more than the sum of the parts". Only mathematics you may say.. sorry but the maths always underpins the physics its just the schematic form of it.

Signal Information is referred to as 'semantic' information meaning it has meaning. This has many deep and very powerful implications.. but lets just put it like this.. if the reductionists are right then..

Matter + Energy = Information (semantic)

And let me say this.. Every attempt to demonstrate, simulate, model or approximate the above proposition has failed. They will always fail because of a most basic and well known truth. One they choose to ignore and even hide but which I must reveal.. this is my purpose.

Have a really nice day.

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